Photo Gallery |
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City Life |
Anchorage is Alaska's largest city, surrounded by mountains on one side and water on the other |
3rd Avenue

Downtown Anchorage, where the wildlife leaves boot tracks
Coastal Trail

Part of Anchorage's scenic trail system in the Fall
Downtown lights

Anchorage, the "city of lights" in winter
Fur Rendezvous Ice Figure

A melting angel sculpture
Trail Tunnel

A tunnel on the Coastal trail
Train 1

One of Alaska Railroad's working freight trains
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Ghost Towns |
The harsh climate of Alaska is unforgiving to abandoned villages and mining settlements, creating ghost towns which have their own charm |
Broken Building

This building at Hatcher Pass is tired of holding up against the winter snow load
Hatcher Pass 1

Some of the buildings being restored at a mine past Palmer
Hatcher Pass 2

Another view of the abandoned mine

Part of the restored tramway at Hatcher Pass
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Recreation and Culture |
Exhibits, Visitors Centers, artistic endeavors, cultural events |

It doesn't matter where this fire is--it is elemental, without warmth we cannot live

Where to fry that freshly caught trout
Portage Visitor Center

From this visitor center one used to be able to view the receding Portage Glacier. Alas...the glacier has receded too far now...
Russian Dance

A group of young folk dancers performing at Alaska State Fair
Russian Dance 2

These dancers are trying to untangle themselves
Ski Train

Cross country devotees taking advantage of powder after getting off the "ski train"