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AKLUG - Alaska Linux Users Group
Welcome to AKLUG!

The Alaska Linux Users Group is the local Alaskan Linux advocacy group. If you are curious about Linux, or looking for technical answers, we encourage you to join us. If you're not in the local Anchorage area, there may be a LUG in your area. Check our list of Sister LUGs to see if there's one in your area.

AKLUG hosts regular meetings to give all of our members a chance to interact both professionally and personally. We also have a mailing list available which is open to the public.

If you have any questions specifically about our group, please e-mail Please note that if you send an e-mail to this address that is not a direct query for more information on AKLUG itself, your e-mail will be silently deleted.

All questions or comments about this site should go to

No matter what your skill level or technical proficiency, everyone is welcome, and we hope to show you how enjoyable this platform can be. :-)

© 2000, Alaska Linux Users Group. All rights reserved.
Please direct all questions, comments, and insults to Hosting generously provided by Alaska Communications, providing secure e-mail, DNS, and co-location services to Alaska.
Last Modified: Thur Oct 11 22:08:36 2018


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