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Alaskalink.US!, history and changes
Author: Alaskalink.US editor

Greetings! Alaskalink.US members welcome visitors to the famous Online Best Alaskan website.
Alaskalink.US has changed over the years. is one of the first implementations which designed and developed by Alaskan for Alaska and for visitors all over the world.

Alaskalink.US!, design
Did you know? Breaking for Breakfast
Author: Alaskalink.US., Editor Alexander A. Boiko

Breakfast... the meal at the beginning of our day that we enjoy, avoid, or rush through depending on the time available and our personal inclination. For many families, the pace of modern life means breakfast becomes a short span of time between shouts of "You're going to be late!" or a longer but no less harried time in the car on the freeway. Unfortunately, gobbling down an inadequate breakfast or skipping it altogether has become a standard routine.

<font color=navy>Did you know?</font> Breaking for Breakfast
Scientists found out that the Maya used severed human heads as soccer balls to play games with
Author: Alaskalink.US, editor Vlad

It has been scientifically proved that America's ancient inhabitants, the Maya, used to wrap the deceased in caoutchouc and evaporate the mummies in humid tropical jungle, like in a sauna.

Written language of the Maya shocks scientists with its brutality
The letters contain a great message from Dr. Einstein to everyone who lives nowadays, when the fighting against nuclear weapons continues
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Al...

The events, which happened on the different continents, are not only similar in their importance for the history of science but also curiously coincided in terms of time. While working with the catalogue of Isaac Newton's archival documents, researchers discovered several sheets of paper written by brilliant physicist and mathematician himself. They were considered lost for 70 years.

Never before seen letters of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein found in London and Tokyo
Nature gives very few second chances, but this may be one of them
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Al.... by WWF

Reports from The Nature Conservancy and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology that the magnificent ivory-billed woodpecker, long believed to be extinct, has been rediscovered in the Big Woods of eastern Arkansas more than 60 years after the last confirmed sighting of the species in the United States has produced waves of excitement in the world of conservation and beyond.

Finding 'Nature's Holy Grail'
Cat crosses Siberia to find its home
Author: Alaskalink Member

Two-year-old male cat named as Kuzya has made an unprecedented journey across the Yakutia republic in Russia's Siberia. The cat walked 2,150 kilometers in three months to find its home, Regnum news agency reports.

Cat crosses Siberia to find its home
Children subjected to violence become monsters as they grow
Author: editor Nata

Stories of violence against children horrify many people, especially those who have their own kids. Unfortunately, it is very hard to help a person who was exposed to violence and humiliation as a child.
In some Western countries, a child has a right to sue his parents just because of the fact that he does not receive enough pocket money from them.

Children subjected to violence become monsters as they grow
Real Men Eat Real Meat And Drink No Beer

Doctors and dieticians claim that the stronger sex has special nutritional requirements. It appears that there are considerable differences between the sexes at this point. The thing is that men’s and women’s metabolism goes in different ways. Men suffer from cardiac arrests and strokes at a much greater extent than women.

Real Men Eat Real Meat And Drink No Beer
Blueberries... Mmm Mmm Good They are
Author: Alaskalink, Editor Al...

Blueberries (Vaccinium uliginosum) Mmm Mmm Good They are so good that every type of wildlife from ptarmigan (Alaskan Chickens) to insects, Grizzly Bears to little shrews, even humans, gorge on them.

Findings show that severely water-stressed vines yield juice with more color, while machine-pruning produces more color than hand-pruning
Author: Alaskalink.US, Editor Al...

This year's Unified Wine and Grape Symposium featured an interesting session about the possibility of determining winegrape quality by measuring the color of the grapes. Some Australian wineries are using color as one of six parameters they evaluate when determining grower payment. Given that premise, the session speakers discussed whether there is indeed a correlation between berry color and red wine quality

Berry Color as an Indicator of Quality
One grapefruit provides a daily dose of vitamin C that a human organism needs
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Al...

Winter is a season when we can enjoy citrus fruits, bright tangerines, aromatic oranges and juicy grapefruits. It is a disputable issue which of the citrus fruits is best for our health, but slightly bitter grapefruit is the most refined among them.

Grapefruit: science of vitamins, beauty and joy of living
Abundant rain in July makes for full buckets in August and September
Author: Alaskalink.US, editor Al...

The rains that torment Anchorage residents through the month of July can have had a berry, berry silver lining. All over the Chugach and Kenai mountains, hikers, climbers, hunters and, yes, even berry pickers have been reporting all that moisture bore fruit.

Abundant rain in July makes for full buckets in August and September
Archaeologists have never heard anything about a stone phallus of the Paleolithic era before
Author: Alaskalink.US, editor Nata

Archaeologists uncovered a 28,000-year-old phallus in the area of Schwabische Alb mountain ridge in Germany. Scientists referred the finding, measuring 20 centimeters, to the Paleolithic era. They supposed that it was used both as a weapon and a symbol of masculinity.

Primeval humans practiced cult of phallus 28,000 years ago
Scientists make an inventory of all animals and plants living on planet Earth
Author: Alaskalink.US, editor Al...

Specialists of the Russian Academy of Sciences decided to establish a new project entitled “Barcodes of flora and fauna in Russia.” The project continues the initiative of the world Consortium the Barcode of Life (CBOL), established in 2004.

Every little being and creature living on Earth to have its barcode
Remains of an ancient civilization discovered in the depths of the Northern sea
Author: Alaskalink.US editor Nata

While some scientists spend all their time and efforts in search of Atlantis, others have already discovered remains of an ancient civilization that had existed on the same territory as present-day Northern sea. With the help of modern technology, archaeologists were able to get a better glimpse of the ancient world

Northern sea baffles archaeologists
The tomb of King Amenhotep I became the second non-looted tomb after the one of King Tut
Author: Alaskalink.US, editor Nata

There is a Russian joke, which is as old as mummies: a tomb-chest with a mummy was discovered during the archeological dig in Egypt. Experts could not determine whose mummy it was and invited Soviet experts for their expertise.

Scientists discover non-looted tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh
Another archeological discovery tells more about earlier epochs
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Nata

Gobustan is a region with the territory of 100 square kilometers between the south-eastern bottom of the Caucasian mountains and the Caspian Sea; the territory is covered with numerous river mouths and gully. The name Gobustan originates from the word Gobu meaning a gully.

Another archeological discovery tells more about earlier epochs
Archeologists discovered several paintings on the rocks located at the edge of the ancient city
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Nata

Archeologists make discoveries in Greece on a regular basis. Yet the latest news regarding the find on Andros, the most northern island of 56 islands comprising the Cyclades, is quite a sensation, according to specialists. A team of scientists discovered the ruins of a city at the excavation site on Andros. The ruins date back to 1900 B.C., the Bronze Age.

Remnants of the lost continent found on a Greek island
Wild nature can give numerous examples of immortality and programmed death
Author: Alaskalink.US, Editor Nata...

A wise man said that the art of living was about being able to die young but to live as many years as possible. Almost every human being living on planet Earth is interested in the question of immortality. One may say that all world religions and arts sprang from the wish to preserve the passion of youth and deceive death. Generations of alchemists were racking their brains over the renowned youth elixir. Contemporary scientists are still trying to unveil the mystery of immortality ...

Modern scientists succeed in the quest for immortality
Dancing to Let Off Steam
Author:, editor Al...

Olga Rybalko, chief accountant with a big office furniture maker, has been leading a double life for two years now. In the daytime, in a severe business suit with her hair meticulously combed, she heads a 10-employee department. Her subordinates say that "She is a dead hand of formality." How surprised they would be if they caught her at an Argentinean tango club!

Would You Like to Dance?
Birds are capable of scanning future
Author: Alaskalink.US editor Al...

What do we know about birds? It may seem at first sight that there is nothing amazing about them. However, the feathered tribe makes the group of one of the most ancient creatures on earth, which makes them the subject of numerous legends, myths and mysteries.

Birds are capable of scanning future
Arctic Fox
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Al...

Life in the Arctic is difficult, and the arctic fox is wonderfully adapted to live in very cold climates. While many mammals hibernate during the winter, the arctic fox does not. Its physical characteristics of superb insulation with fur and fat, combined with its stocky body shape enable the arctic fox to conserve body heat.

Arctic Fox
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