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  Sex, Porn and God
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Porn Works - How Porn Works

  • Lust
  • Sexual Idolatry

Lies About Sex - Lies about sex sin, addiction and freedom

Single, Sex and God - Being a single

  • Suggestions to help you stay pure as a single
  • Ask God for sexual provision
  • Don't look around at other people and their situations
  • Ask Jesus for help in resisting temptations
  • Fight the lies with the truth

Pornography Resources Statistics - 2 pages

Page 1

  • Internet Pornography
  • Pornography in the Workplace
  • Pornography and Children
  • MORE...

Page 2

  • Portrayals of Sex in the Media
  • Sexually Oriented Businesses (SOB)
  • Entertainment/Technology/Advertising
  • MORE...

Masturbation: Good or Bad?

  • Non-spiritual points about masturbation
  • Masturbation is addictive!
  •  Masturbation conditions our bodies to respond to self-stimulation, which is self-centered.
  • MORE...

Roots of Masturbation 

  • Step 1: Ask God to help you answer the question, "Why am I masturbating?"
  • Step 2: Identify the associated roots
  • Step 3:  Remove the roots
  • MORE...

Oral Sex: - Oral sex from a Christian perspective.

  • Is it sex?
  • To assist us in evaluating the intents of our hearts regarding oral sex, here are some questions we can ask ourselves
  • Uncomfortable with ral sex
  • MORE...

Anal Sex: - We felt it was appropriate to post a page dealing with anal sex since pornography and the rest of the sex industry heavily glamorizes and promotes this practice.

  • Anal sex uses body parts in way contrary to their designed purposes (i.e. perversion)
  • Anal sex gives lust a foothold:
  • Anal sex is "out of character" for a Christian marriage
  • MORE...

BDSM: - Bondage and Sadomasochism.

  • Points about BDSM
  • BDSM brings you under the rule of a defeated enemy
  • BDSM opens the door to perversion and confusion
  • MORE...

Lust - Lust is a primary ingredient of sex addiction.

  • How lust got started
  • Lust and pornography
  • What lust does to us
  • MORE...
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