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Consumer Beware
GoDaddy ... or Whoa, Daddy ...
Domain Registration Debacles
Author: member
Ah, the World Wide Web. This telecommunications tangle has become THE place for individuals and organizations to declare their presence in the world.
Identity Theft
Identity Theft is on the Rise
Author: Alaskalink Member
Entertaining advertisements have appeared on television promoting cell phones with small video cameras installed inside them. The advertisements show traveling salesmen talking to their family members while stuck in airports. This is very touching. But have we thought about the consequences, when these cell phones are used unethically?
Federal Citizen Information Center
Consumer Information and Action
Author: U.S. Government
News, Links, FAQs, Contact information for this U.S. Government organization
International Internet Consumer Fraud Complaints
Author: A joint project of consumer protection agencies from 17 nations
Here is an example of the information you will find on the English version of this page, here, an article concerning international internet fraud complaints. "It can be difficult judging the quality of a business from thousands of miles away. To determine a website’s reliability, you should rely on various factors, such as recommendations from family and friends or the site’s membership in a trustmark or trust seal program."
U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Your Government Working for You
Author: Alaskalink Member
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has a website listing safety recalls and product safety news.
Legal Matters
Is People Search Web Site An Invasion Of Privacy?
Web Site Allows Users To Find Addresses, Phone Numbers, More
Author: Alaskalink Editor Al... by
According to, the Greek word Zaba means free or at no cost. However, a few viewers who have contacted Consumer Alert are worried that the Web site could cost them their privacy by posting their personal information online.
President Bush Signs S.256... Bankruptcy Reform
United States: President Bush Signs S.256 - Enacting Bankruptcy Reform Legislation (Financial Services Alert - Special Edition)
Author: Alaskalink, Editor Al...
On April 20, 2005, President Bush signed into law S.256, the "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005" which had been approved by the House of Representatives on April 14, 2005 and previously passed by the Senate on March 10, 2005. The most prominent changes set forth in the new legislation are those that affect individual debtors under the Bankruptcy Code, but this law also contains significant provisions affecting the administration of chapter 11 reorganization cases and international insolvency cases as well. Greater clarity of the treatment of certain financial contracts under the Bankruptcy Code also comprises an important part of the new legislation. Most of the provisions of the law take effect 180 days from its enactment and collectively represent the most sweeping changes to the Bankruptcy Code in many years. This special issue of the Alert highlights many of the key provisions of this legislation.
Snap decision to quit smoking is three times more effective than planning it
Snap decision to quit smoking is three times more effective than planning it
Author: Alaskalink.US editor Al
Today there are plenty of people who want to quit smoking. Many of them think that it is impossible. They pay much money and use very expensive medicines, but everything is in vain. Many scientists and researchers have been trying their best to understand why it is so difficult to get rid of this bad habit.
Smoking cause cancer and rates
Smoking cause cancer and rates
Author: Alaskalink, Member
More Americans than ever before are surviving cancer and rates in general are falling, mostly because fewer people are smoking, the American Cancer Society reported on Wednesday.
Fetal infection with the parasite can cause eye or brain damage
Toxoplasmosis Tests Urged for All Pregnant Women, Newborns
Author: Robert Preidt
FRIDAY, Feb. 11 (HealthDay News) -- All pregnant women and newborn babies should be screened for toxoplasmosis infection, say the authors of a study in the February issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
National Do Not Call Registry
Your Best Tool to Combat Telemarketers
Author: Alaskalink Member
The National Do Not Call Registry has recently been created by the Federal Government as a tool to combat unwanted telemarketing calls.
Better Business Bureau
Consumer Advocate Organization Defends Consumer Rights
Author: Alaskalink Member
There, on the page of the catalog, was the camera I had wanted. The advertisement promised a quality, high-end camera, including a very good set of lenses. I was hooked. I had to buy it. But when the camera arrived, the lenses weren't in the box. Instead, there was a smaller, less powerful less, not at all what I expected. What was I to do?
Kids in Danger
Dangerous Products
Author: founded by Linda Ginzel and Boaz Keysar
This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting children by improving children's product safety
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