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Grapefruit: science of vitamins, beauty and joy of living
One grapefruit provides a daily dose of vitamin C that a human organism needs
Author: Alaskalink.US., editor Al...
     Winter is a season when we can enjoy citrus fruits, bright tangerines, aromatic oranges and juicy grapefruits. It is a disputable issue which of the citrus fruits is best for our health, but slightly bitter grapefruit is the most refined among them.
Botanists are still uncertain what country is the homeland of grapefruit. This tropical fruit grows in the Mediterranean countries, Japan, China, South America and in the Caucasus. The first evidence mentioning grapefruit dates back to the 18th century when English sailor found huge trees with big fruits on Barbados. When growing on a tree, grapefruits usually form bunches resembling grapes. Supposedly, the fruit was called 'grapefruit' because of such likeness.
Later, Europeans found out several sorts of grapefruit: rose, yellow and almost white grapefruits. It is known that grapefruits with intense pink peel and pulp are sweeter than others. Grapefruits with light yellow peel are sour. At that it is important to know that weighty grapefruits are juicier.
The taste of grapefruit is not its basic value. The vitamin composition of the fruit is unique. One grapefruit provides a daily dose of vitamin C that the human organism needs. Vitamin C helps people protect from cold and flu, slows down ageing and is good for complexion and skin. Besides, grapefruits are a good source of vitamin PP that fights fatigue and sleeplessness, and vitamin D that is essential for children and the elderly. Grapefruit also contains pectin that removes cholesterol off the organism and improves metabolism. It also contains lycopene, the element that wonderfully fights toxins and helps people endure bad environment. The fruit is very popular among those who take much care of the body shape. Remember that a couple of grapefruit segments after meals can burn a half of the calories consumed during the meal. It is because of this peculiarity that dietitians recommend stout people eat more grapefruits. A kilogram of grapefruits contains only 90 calories, so the fruit will not cause damage to the body shape.
Among other citrus fruits, grapefruit is known as less allergenic. Have a half of a grapefruit powdered with icing sugar in the morning to feel active and fresh all day long. The fruit is believed to be the source of positive energy.
At that it is important to know that the transparent bitter film covering the grapefruit pulp holds the majority of grapefruit's health-giving elements. So, do not throw the film away if you intend to consume as much vitamins as possible. The grapefruit peel is also good and can be even used instead of some medicines.
Halves of grapefruit baked with sugar and cinnamon in an oven is a perfect treatment against stress and can fight depression. People having low acidity of stomach should drink 200-250ml of grapefruit juice two or three times a day.
Grapefruit is also good for patients suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular system diseases. Such patients are prescribed to eat one grapefruit on an empty stomach every morning and then eat grapefruits several times during the day.
Owing to the high content of vitamins grapefruit is often used for home-made cosmetics. Grapefruit masks support and moisturize skin. They also prevent wrinkles. Add some grapefruit peel to the bath to relax, fight depression and make the skin soft and elastic. Rub the hand skin with grapefruit peel; massage them and then moisturize with hand cream. The procedure will make the hands soft and nails strong.
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