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Family site
Section Links!
Take care of yourselves
  Medical Library
Differential diagnosis of various health problems
  Native Medicine
This site includes materials describing traditional health, medicine and healing practices of Alaska Native people and their applicability today
  Science Forum
This web page is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research community
  Bedside Diagnosis
A digital tool for physicians and others
  Christian Healing
OCAMPR exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among helping professionals in medicine, psychology and religion
  Ctrs. For Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (government site)
  Alaska Health
University of Alaska/National Library of Medicine health resources pages
  American Cancer Society
American Cancer Society's official website
  The Red Cross
Non profit charitable organization providing a variety of medical and disaster relief services
  Am. Heart Association
Non profit providing information about America's No. 1 cause of death
  Diabetes Info
American Diabetes Association, with important information about this serious disease
The medical experts at the Nemours Foundation reminding kids to eat their veggies
The Alzheimer's Association; news and research, support resources and links
The Alzheimer's Association; news and research, support resources and links
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