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Dictionaries and Thesauri
Online dictionaries and thesauri, for those times when you don't have the Oxford Unabridged at hand.
This is a popular online dictionary/thesaurus/translation site
Online encyclopedias and almanacs for those who need to do a little fast research
  1911 Encyclopedia
The LoveToKnow Free Online Encyclopedia is based on what many consider to be the best encyclopedia ever written: the eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, first published in 1911.
  Free Wikipedia
The goal of Wikipedia is to create an information source in an encyclopedia format that is freely available.
  S. Baum's Reference
S. Baum, Dept. of Oceanography Texas A&M University, is constructing his own page of relevent references
  Smithsonian Encyclopedia
Online directory of sites and information brought to us by the Smithsonian
Online Libraries
A listing of online libraries, great resources for students young and old
  Alaska Photo Library
The Department of Community and Economic Development's online photo library; photos can be used in accordance with licensing agreements
  Alaska SLED
Alaska's Statewide Library Electronic Doorway
  Alaska Student Guide
From the State of Alaska homepage, a quick student reference to facts about the state
  Internet Public Library
Subject collections, a reference section, a reading room, lists of frequently asked questions
  Librarian's Index
A wealth of information and links created by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services
  Library of Congress
A massive collection of American History, exhibits, home of the U.S. Copyright Office
  Poetry Searcher
This is a good, straightforward searchablbe collection of poems; no popups last time I checked
  Public Domain Images
Copyright free images for public use, organized by category
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