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Local schools and districts
  Copper River Schools
An interior school district, centered in Glenallen
School district in the Delta Junction area
  Fairbanks Schools
Fairbanks Northstar Borough School District website
  Kenai Schools
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
  Anchorage Schools
Main informational portal for the Anchorage area school district
  Palmer, Wasilla Schools
Mat-Su School District
  Alaska Schools Rolodex
Database of all Alaska public school websites, on the state of Alaska website
  Galena and IDEA
The Galena district website with links to its homeschool program
  School Rolodex
Directory of schools linked from state jobs website
  State Informercial
Designed for students doing research
CyberLynx is a statewide K-12 correspondence program for Alaskan home schooled students
  Mat-Su Homeschool
Correspondence Study School is a full service school providing assistance to the families of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough
  Free From Politics
This organization recommends the separation of school and state; some controversial and intriguing opinions
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