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Family site
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Family - Links
Take care of the future
  Childrens Resources
Listings of resources for Native families
  Daycare Referral
Child Care Connection provides referrals for daycare
  Denali Kid Care
Health insurance for low income children
  I Am Your Child
A national non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of early childhood development and school readiness
A Web community promoting literacy, cultural diversity, and well-being throughout Alaska
Digest for mothers of many children
  National Education Ass'n.
National Education Association local website
  Offender DB
Searchable database of those who have committed heinous offenses and who are registered in the AK database
  Real Families
Family advice and activities
  State Kids' Site
State of Alaska website for children, includes info on the PFD
  United Way Alaska
United Way's Partner Agencies provide programs that strengthen families
The smell of fresh baked goods can evoke some of the best memories, create some of those memories using recipes included here in this section
  ASMI Seafood Recipes
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute's informative seafood recipe collection, including recipes adapted for large or small quantities
  Seabear Smoked Salmon
How to use smoked salmon in many different recipes
  Women in Alaska History
A few "authentic" Alaskan recipes compiled by students in an amateur site
Life together, with children and without, in plenty or in need: resources for both of you.
  Christian Family
A forum for Orthodox Christian faithful and seekers to give and receive support
  Dads Site
Online resource for dads (and ads)
  Dobson Site
A website of Focus on the Family, includes shopping
  Families Worldwide
Family self help site
  Fatherhood Initiative
National fatherhood initiative, includes lots of stuff for sale
  Fighting Fairly
How to fight fairly: a list of rules!
  Marriage Builders
This website is designed to educate you in what it takes to have a sensational marriage (and sell some stuff)
  Orthodox Marriage
Marriage in the Orthodox Church
  Relationship Quiz
Relationship evaluation page
  Vital Statistics
Order your licenses and certificates here
Wedding traditions from around the world
Take care of yourselves
  Alaska Health
University of Alaska/National Library of Medicine health resources pages
The Alzheimer's Association; news and research, support resources and links
The Alzheimer's Association; news and research, support resources and links
  Am. Heart Association
Non profit providing information about America's No. 1 cause of death
  American Cancer Society
American Cancer Society's official website
  Bedside Diagnosis
A digital tool for physicians and others
  Christian Healing
OCAMPR exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among helping professionals in medicine, psychology and religion
  Ctrs. For Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (government site)
  Diabetes Info
American Diabetes Association, with important information about this serious disease
The medical experts at the Nemours Foundation reminding kids to eat their veggies
  Medical Library
Differential diagnosis of various health problems
  Native Medicine
This site includes materials describing traditional health, medicine and healing practices of Alaska Native people and their applicability today
  Science Forum
This web page is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research community
  The Red Cross
Non profit charitable organization providing a variety of medical and disaster relief services
Life is a quest, find answers to questions you are having along the journey.
  Christian Charity
International Christian charity organization
  Christian Links
Orthodox Christian Resources on the Internet
  Come Receive
Daily devotionals and audio messages
  Crisis Pregnancy
ZOE will help ANY woman in a crisis pregnancy
  Directory of Churches
Statewide directory of churches by city
  Early Christian
Library of early Christian literature
  Jim Forest website
Orthodox Peace Fellowship
  Sex, Porn and God
Porn is a form of darkness that follows the rule Jesus described. When people view pornography, they open a "doorway" in their lives through their eyes to darkness.
  UK Religion Portal
Interesting discussion of philosophy and religion
From the middle school age through high school, teens have their own strengths, weaknesses and needs.
Talking to your parents or other adults
  Teen Media
Alaska Teen Media Institute--a site created by bright young minds
  Working Parents
Life with single or working parents
  Young Engineers
Find a mentor in the world of engineering
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