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Alaska Services - Links
Auto Sales
Find any type of automobile to fit your needs
  Dealership Directory
Listings of dealerships by city
  Kelley Blue Book
Find out the value of your vehicle, get a quote from a dealer, tips and advice
  Tony Chevrolet
Buy a brand new chevrolet here at this full service dealership
Sources for books and media
  Cook Inlet
One of the few book companies here in Alaska
  Title Wave
The coolest place in Anchorage to be: buy, sell or trade books, listen to music, drink coffee...
Financial Services
Alaska has a long history of varied financial services including credit unions
  Alaska USA
The most well-known credit union in Alaska
  Bank Directory
Bank listings for Alaska, watch out for popup ads
  MVF Credit Union
Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union, you can be a resident from Eagle River to Houston to join
If you are looking for fresh and delicious, check out these local food producers
  Alaska Sausage
From spicy pepperoni to specialty game sausages, Alaska Sausage has something for everyone.
  Alaska Spice
Spice up your life with Alaska Spice! Your source for Delicious Dip Mixes, Fantastic Fish Seasonings, Excellent Teas, Spices, Seasonings, and Unique Recipes
  Alaska Wild Berry
Jams, jellies and confections, available to send as gifts or consume locally
  Bed and Breakfasts
Listings from the international bed and breakfasts pages
  Tree Things
Family run company ships fresh fruit from the Lower 48...the best you'll get up here!
A place to rest your head after exploring in Alaska's parks
  Birchwood Camp
Local Methodist church runs affordable, picturesque camp with cabins and lake
  Camp Denali
The ultimate wilderness retreat with gourmet dining
  Denali Foundation
Elderhostel and special youth activities at the edge of Denali Park
Links to sites where you can trade or barter goods and/or services.
  Alaska Auction
Oldest auction house in Alaska, accepts assignments
  Alaska Handywoman
This lady claims to be able to do any project for you
Developed by two Alaska residents, focuses on Alaska, featuring items for bid located only in Alaska; a very well-organized site.
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