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Alaska Media - News
Alaska newspapers with online content
  AK Journal of Commerce
Alaska statewide financial news
  Alaska Star
Formerly the Chugiak-Eagle River Star
  Anchorage Daily
Anchorage Daily News is Anchorage's main metropolitan daily, we offer the pda version, which also removes the popups
  Anchorage Press
Online alternative weekly for Anchorage
  Chilkat Valley News
"Serving Haines and Klukwan since 1966"
  Fairbanks News
The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, a great news source for Northern Alaska
  Juneau News
The Juneau Empire, with latest on the seat of state government
  Kenai Peninsula
The Kenai Peninsula online
Ketchikan Daily News, with emphasis on the seafood industry
Kodiak Daily Mirror, now a more than 4,000 circulation publication that serves the community of Kodiak, the surrounding villages, and beyond
  MatSu Valley News
A newspaper which seems to lean to the right
  Nome Nugget
A golden :) spot on the WWW
Petersburg Pilot is a weekly based in South Eastern Alaska
  Petersburg News
Find out about Petersburg resources and events
  Petroleum News
Subscription available in several languages, Petroleum News promises objective coverage of North American news
  Skagway News
Bimonthly newsletter for seasonal Southeastern town
The Talkeetna Good Times is a feel-good, small-town bimonthly paper
  Valdez Star
Former competitor of the now defunct Valdez Vanguard; now, the only game in the port town
  Wasilla News
The Frontiersman's teaser website (they want you to buy the paper)
Local news from various editorial sources
  Daily Republican
News and opinions from the political right
Inclusion not intended as an endorsement but as information
  Self Government
Libertarian opinion; check out The World's Smallest Political Quiz
  The Bush Blade
Opinion which seems to lean to the political Left
Local radio stations of interest to you
  KRUA The Edge Radio
The University of Alaska Anchorage's online radio station, with online shows produced by students and volunteers
  Native Voice
Native American news, music, radio
  Public Radio
Anchorage's popular public radio programming from KSKA
Local Alaskan television websites
  Alaska One
Northern Alaska public television and radio site, with online audio stream
  KAKM Anchorage
Alaska Public Telecommunications website for Anchorage, AK
  Public Television
A nationwide site, we are including this here because of many valuable features
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